Thursday, March 22, 2007

TMNT and Art History

Me: So what tidings are amuck with you this fair eve?
Vanessa: i have two papers i have to write for tuesday and my day tomorro is really busy so im trying to get them done but its not really working out
Me: Well you're talking to me/others online - a bit of a conflict of attention, right?
Vanessa: yep for sure
Me: I guess that means there's no question about it - I'll have to help you write your paper
Me: okay!
Me: so what's it on?
Vanessa: the one i havent even started yet is on an article about michelangelo
Me: Aha!
Me: So
Me: Obviously the coolest of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I think he offers a variety of concepts and themes of [insert discipline here] significance!
Me: Perhaps the sybolism in pizza evident in most episodes, or his childish amiability that helped to keep the group together - or maybe why the phrase Cow-a-bunga needs to be rejuvinated with fresh usage in common conversations?
Vanessa: hahaha thanks for the great thesis
Me: Are you an art person
Me: ?
Vanessa: ya im an art history fan
Me: dear god I'm sorry
Me: Who was the person who did this to you?'
Me: I'll shoot them out of a cannon into the nearest black hole