[03:06] Me: not everyone has quite your zeal for life and compassion ;)
[03:07] Me: but yeah I don't know - maybe it'll just take a little time to chip it away
[03:07] Me: try asking them what their favorite stuffed animals were as a kid or something
[03:09] Me: questions of childhood tend to disarm our inhibitions about current station in life and dissolve self-consciousness about appearance or social standing and the like. Everyone has fond memories from childhood - be it the playground, Santa Claus, grandmothers/grandfathers, or just a Teddy bear we hugged to keep us safe from the monsters under the bed.
[03:11] Alicia: did you just write that??
[03:11] Alicia: or hadyou come up with that before?
[03:11] Me: yeah
[03:11] Alicia: that sounded very professional:-P
[03:11] Me: I wrote it on the spot :)