Me: So does your coat do anything cool like sprout laser guns or extend a helicopter arm in the back>?
Martha: oh cool
Martha: haha no
Martha: not really just covers me
Me: flame repellent at least?
Me: or brightly colored?
Martha: haha i actually don't know if it is or not
Martha: no its gray
Martha: but its fashionable
Me: aha
Me: camouflage and yet potentially distracting
Me: you can be a walking contradiction
Me: Imagine me waving a foam finger about cheering you on
Martha: haha thanks jeff
Martha: you're awesome!
Martha: :)
Me: (see how much work imagination saves me? I totally have my feet up right now. Though I do wish I had a giant foam finger, it would have endless uses)
Martha: haha you're crazy!
Me: dude, foam finger with changeable text - almost as good of an idea as a drainable table or equipping cars with both a happy and an angry horn