[22:02] Casey: HEll yeah
[22:02] Casey: I am alive
[22:02] Casey: AND playing fast and loose with the CAPS LOCK
[22:02] Me: HOLY SHIT
[22:02] Me: He's advanced to level two of Scientology where they reveal the cruise-control for cool
[22:03] Casey: I have no thetans
[22:03] Casey: I either have no thetans or all the thetans
[22:03] Me: So the citizenry has polled, no protested, no postered me continuously to ask you a very important question
[22:04] Casey: yes.
[22:04] Casey: I am ready.
[22:06] Me: oh right right
[22:06] Me: sorry head in the toilet again
[22:06] Me: one cannot resist the swirly
[22:07] Me: anywho what happens to you after they dis-awesomely discharge you from the Americorps?
[22:07] Casey: You mean when I get canned, or when I make it out?
[22:07] Me: Or take over the operation and sell it as the answer to level-three of Scientology
[22:10] Me: So not founding an international positive event chain NGO
[22:11] Me: When is your time up?
[22:11] Casey: mid-june
[22:11] Casey: just in time to NOT be able to hit any summer internships
[22:11] Casey: (thanks, asshats)
[22:12] Casey: yeah the IPEC is going to have to wait
[22:13] Casey: until it doesn't sound either like an international oil agreement, or a new Apple-produced exercise device